Showing posts with label Irregular Periods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irregular Periods. Show all posts


Irregular Periods


The Natural Menopause Solution by Julissa Clay

The Simple, Straightforward Guide That Helps Men And Women With Peri-Menopause, Menopause, And Andropause Get Fast And Permanent Relief

Here’s a sneak preview of the incredible information you’ll find in my breakthrough guide:

  • The 3 different phases of menopause…and knowing which one you are in makes all the difference! Pg. 6
  • Which symptoms mean that you are in menopause…and which can fool you! Pg. 8
  • The 8 signs that tell you whether you really have transitioned to menopause or not…you NEED to know this! Pg. 11
  • How your brain can be the best test for menopause…and the little-know trick for deciphering your “mood code” Pg. 13
  • Having trouble sleeping lately? That could be a sign of ____ Pg. 17

Even more amazing secrets found ONLY in the Natural Menopause Solution:

  • The two-pronged attack that every woman needs in the war against menopause symptoms. Pg. 18
  • The horrifying dangers of HRT that your doctor WON’T tell you. Pg. 21
  • The $6 billion dollar industry that wants to keep you on medications for life…and how to avoid becoming its next victim! Pg. 21
  • The 5 amazing “superfoods” that KO menopause symptoms in a flash! Pg. 23
  • This common so-called “healthy food” that actually makes your hormones worse! Pg. 24
  • The right (and wrong) way to eat soy to make hot flashes history! Pg. 24

    Here’s What Happens When You Try My Program

    You’re Symptoms Will Much More Manageable: Maybe it won’t happen overnight (and anything that does promise that is flat-out lying to you). But if you stick to the advice in my guide I guarantee that you’ll feel like menopause is a thing of the past for you!

    You’ll Be Healthier: There’s no point in reducing your symptoms if it puts your health in jeopardy. Unlike dangerous HRT, my program actually makes you MORE healthy as you feel FEWER symptoms!

    You’ll Feel Better: Forget hot flashes, night sweats and energy zaps. You’ll have a spring in your step and a new lease on life after you try my program for yourself.

    You’ll Save Money: Hormones, drugs, doctor’s visits and useless supplements add up fast! I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to spend money on things that don’t work. Luckily, my guide lets you ditch the expensive stuff for dirt-cheap solutions that work even better!

    I’ve jam-packed so many secrets in my guide I just have to share them:

    • The delicious food that most women aren’t getting nearly enough of…and how it can put the brakes on hot flashes! Pg. 25
    • The 6 “danger foods” that make your menopause symptoms 10x worse (including a real shocker) Pg. 26
    • The weird weapon that works wonders on menopause symptoms and is free for anyone to try. Pg. 28
    • How to tap into the power of exercise to make your symptoms plummet like the 2007 Dow Jones! Pg. 30
    • Save your money! Use these supplements that actually work and watch menopause symptoms disappear! Pg. 35
    • My detailed hour-by-hour plan that holds your hand down the road to menopause relief! Pg. 41
    • A complete, 21-day action plan to stop menopausal symptoms for good!
    • The little-known “man-o-pause” or male menopause…and how to treat it the natural way

    Here’s What I’m Offering