If you want
to build a strong AF backside, you've gotta incorporate the best
butt exercises into your workout routine.
Of course, not only does incorporating the right moves help you
score a sculpted booty, but strengthening your glutes also helps protect your lower back, which can be put at risk during
moves like squats and deadlifts if your peach isn't strong
enough to handle the load. (This is especially true if you're lifting heavy
Plus, strong glutes can also make you a better runner—and even help you avoid knee
You don't need any more convincing, do you? Didn't think so.
Here, I rounded up 15 of the best butt exercises you can add in on
your lower-body days or together as a DIY glutes workout. To get the most out
of them, you must, must, must be on top of your form.
Throughout all of these moves, keep your ribcage in line with your
pelvis. Basically, do ~NOT~ flare out your ribs and over-arch your lower back.
Tuck your pelvis in towards your belly button and pull your ribs down as if
you've just taken a big, relaxing exhale. From there, tighten your core and
you're in the perfect position to really set your glutes on fire.
However you choose to put these butt exercises to work for you,
they'll help you build a stronger backside in no time.
Time: 15 minutes
Equipment: stability
ball (or elevated surface, like a couch), resistance band (long or looped), set of dumbbells or light kettlebells
Good for: Glutes, butt muscles
1. Walking Lunges
How to: Start standing with feet together holding a pair of weights at shoulder height, elbows bent in front of body. Step right foot forward and bend both knees into a lunge, stopping when both legs form 90-degree angles. Press through right heel to stand and step left foot forward, lowering into a lunge. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
2. Stability Ball Hip Thrust
How to: Start with arms behind head (elbows wide), upper back pressed into stability ball (or elevated surface, like a couch), legs bent, feet flat on floor, and hips hovering above mat. Lean back into stability ball and lift hips toward ceiling until thighs are parallel to mat. Return to start. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
3. Single-Leg Deadlift
How to: Start standing with legs together, weight on right leg, right arm on hip, and left arm pointed straight down toward floor. Engage abs and slowly lean forward, extending left leg straight back behind body and lowering torso toward floor until both are parallel to ground and left hand is almost touching floor. Drive into right heel to return to start position. That’s one rep. Perform 15 reps on each side, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
4. Supported Single-Leg Deadlift
How to: Start standing on left leg with a weight in right hand, palm facing toward thighs. left arm by side and right leg straight and a few feet behind body with heel high. Keep left leg slightly bent. Lean forward, hinging at the hips with a flat back while lowering the weight toward the floor. Drive into left heel to return to the standing position. That’s one rep. Perform 15 reps on each side, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
5. Step Up
6. Banded Lateral Step-Out Squat
How to: Start standing with a resistance band wrapped around shins, feet under hips, with hands clasped in front of chest. Take a big step to the right, then bend knees, sit back, and lower until thighs are parallel with the floor. Engage glutes and press back up through heels to starting position. Repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.7. Banded Glute Bridge
8. Isometric Glute BridgeHow to: Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms by sides on mat. Engage core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to lift hips toward the ceiling. Maintain space between chin and chest and keep upper back on the ground. Hold for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform up to 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
9. Glute Bridge March
How to: Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Engage core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to raise hips until body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Lift right knee toward chest. Pause, then lower right foot. Repeat with the other leg. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
10. Stability Ball BridgeHow to: Start lying on back with arms by sides, legs bent to 90-degree angles (shins parallel to mat), and feet on stability ball (or elevated surface, like a couch). Push down into feet, upper back, and arms to lift hips off ground a few inches. Return to start. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
11. Weighted Goodmorning
12. Isometric SquatHow to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and hands by sides. Push hips back and bend knees until thighs are nearly parallel to the ground bringing hands to clasp in front of chest. Hold for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform up to 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
13. Dumbbell Donkey KickHow to: Start on all fours with a dumbbell tucked in the crease of right leg. Keep that leg bent at a 90-degree angle and foot flexed, then press up through foot to kick leg straight up until knee is in line with hip and parallel to floor. Reverse the movement to return to start. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps on each side, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
14. Banded Leg Lift
How to: Get on hands and knees with a resistance band wrapped around thighs. Keeping foot flexed and leg straight, raise left leg into the air until in-line with hips and parallel to floor. This is your starting position. Engage glutes to lift leg up a couple more inches, then lower back to hip height. That's one rep. Perform 15 reps on each side, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.
15. Isometric Lunge
How to: Stand up tall, then take a large step forward with your right foot, coming on to the ball of your left. Arms are by sides. This is your starting position From here, bend knees and lower body until knees are bent to 90-degree angles while bringing hands to clasp in front of chest. Hold for up to 30 seconds. That's one rep. Perform up to 15 reps on each side (just make sure you're even), then immediately continue on to your next exercise. (You're doing at least three.) Once you've finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.