
Poor Mental Health Linked to Bad Physical Health


Good mental health is as important as good physical health. You are probably aware of the consequences of not looking after your body – eating unhealthy foods all the time, never doing exercise, not washing properly and so on. 

You can look after your mind in much the same way you look after your body. 

Well, it’s much the same for your mind. Life can be a roller coaster of emotions, with pressures coming from school, work, friends, parents, boy/girl friends and from your own expectations of yourself. Sometimes these pressures can get on top of you, and you can feel pretty down or depressed. 

Other times you will feel in control and on top of the world. Recognizing when situations are getting out of control is a good step towards positive mental health, as you can then do something about it.

Even better is having a routine that allows you time for yourself, to do things you enjoy – a sort of low fat gentle jog for the mind. In the same way you can catch a cold or break a leg, occasionally you may suffer from mental ill health too. 

mental health
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Good mental health

According to a leading UK mental health charity, one in four of us will experience mental ill health during any given year – but you can do something about it.

No-one feels happy all of the time and it’s only natural that we should feel low occasionally, but depression and other mood disorders are more than just a bad case of the blues. So how do we know when our worries are a bit more serious than the normal ups and downs of life?

If you feel that you really can’t cope with anything, you’re tearful, can’t sleep or feel distracted all the time, its time to talk to someone about it. When you bottle things up, even small problems can seem impossible to deal with on your own, so it makes sense to talk it through with someone. Your parents are often the best source of help; after all they’ve known you for a long time.

But if your problems are due to a situation at home or you feel that you just can’t confide in your parents, then there are other sources of help available. 

Psychological Wellbeing – Talk to someone

You could have a chat with the school nurse, a teacher who you get on well with at school, Student Services if you are at college, your GP, the Samaritans (you don’t have to feel suicidal to speak to them), or perhaps your friend’s mum. 

Whoever you decide to confide in, remember that a problem shared is a problem halved and sometimes just talking things through lightens the load and makes you feel better. 

It is worth considering support to explore any ‘triggers’ or ‘reasons’ that may have caused the depression in the first place. This can be done with a counsellor, who will help you unpick situations and circumstances to get a better understanding of how you react and deal with things. Your GP can refer you to a counsellor on the NHS, although there may be a waiting list. 

If you are over 16,

you can refer yourself – that is, contact the Counselling Service direct. If you do see your GP, and after looking at other options, they decide that a course of ‘anti-depressants’ would be useful, ask them to explain how they work, and how long before you should notice some improvements. There are some tried and tested anti-depressants that help you balance out the chemicals needed to make your brain function correctly – thus lifting the depression.

If you are going through tough times at home, due to a family break up, you may want to consider Relate’s Young People Counselling Service. Relate offer this service free to people aged 11 to 25.

It may be that there is somebody else in your home that has a mental health problem, and you are struggling to cope with their illness, or feel you have nobody to discuss your anxieties or niggles with. The Young Carers Project offers support and advice, and a chance to meet other young people who are in similar situations. 

You won’t be expected to discuss your home life (unless you want to), but being around other people who know what you are experiencing (often without having to say a word!) can be a tremendous source of comfort and support.

mental health

Alcoholism and Mental Health

and other drug dependency may be or can be linked to mental illness, and can have a dramatic effect on family life. If you live with somebody who is an alcoholic or has an addiction to drugs, or if you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, you can get support from a number of sources. 

Alateen are groups of young people who meet together for mutual support, and are or have been affected by problems of alcoholic drinking by parents, relatives or friends (however, given the nature of people’s need for support, the groups come and go as people join and leave). DASH – the Drug Advice Service and Helpline – can also offer support to friends and relatives of people who use drugs.

One of the best ways to stay healthy

is to take regular exercise. The benefits of exercise are;

Keeping your body in good shape – regardless of your build. You don’t need to look like a marathon runner to be healthy!

  • Improves strength and stamina
  • Quickens your metabolic rate, which in turn improves your immune system
  • Relieves stress
  • Releases endorphins “happy chemicals” into your blood stream which give you that feel good factor


We exercise much less these days and have more sedentary lifestyles than previous generations.  

For example, in Britain we are walking 20% less than we did just 10 years ago. An active lifestyle is key to better health, but presently only 31% of adults are sufficiently active to feel health benefits.

There are lots of ways that you can increase your activity levels and keep fit, check out the activities section for ideas on what’s available around the Island and remember that you don’t need to join an expensive gym. 

For general health benefits a 30 minute brisk walk 5 times a week could change you from a couch potato into a happier and healthier person. If this seems a lot, you can always break it down into several shorter bouts of activity of 10 minutes or more throughout the day.

Suicide and Mental health

Sometimes things get on top of you, and you can feel totally overwhelmed and unable to feel positive about the future. Many people at some point in their lives have hit an all time low and have had suicidal thoughts. 

But no matter how bad things may seem, remember all problems will have a solution. The families of suicide victims often despair at the fact that they didn’t realise there was a problem… If only the family member had confided in someone, the problem could have been resolved. If you have suicidal thoughts it’s important that you tell someone how you feel. 

If you don’t want to discuss your feelings with friends or family your GP will be able to help. You can also contact the Samaritans – there is always someone at the end of the phone 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 

If a friend confides in you that they have thought about suicide always take them seriously. Let them talk about the problem; reassure them that you’re there to help them through this period, encourage them to seek professional advice. Even if it’s a false alarm you’ll have been a great mate by being there for them when they needed you.

Self Harm

This is self-inflicted injury, which often takes the form of cutting or burning wrists, arms or other parts of the body. It can become a habit-forming way of coping for some people. 

If you wish to talk to someone about self-harm or any other problem, you can contact several national mental health organisations as well as local mental health counsellors. 

The national mental health organisations are confidential and there is always someone on hand to help. If you would like to receive counselling support, your GP will be able to help you arrange this. 

If you have a friend who you think is self harming, you can also find out some information to get a better understanding on why they may be doing it. This may help you to help them when the time is right. Try the following website for more information: www.nshn.co.uk

Source: https://jotmag.com/good-mental-health-is-as-important-as-good-physical-health/


Yoga Booty Challenge - 32.57 US


Product Name: Yoga Booty Challenge

Official Website: Click here >>

Here’s How it Works:

P.A.P. is designed to ensure you do the right exercise, in the right order, for the right amount of time, to perfectly target and work all 3 parts of the booty to the max so that you get the best results possible out of every single workout.

By following the breakthrough Prime, Activate and Pump method you can look forward to finally seeing the very best booty-shaping results possible along with the improved health, energy, flexibility and faster metabolism that’s naturally delivered with a professionally designed workout…

And one of the best parts is that you can sculpt an amazing booty and experience all of these benefits without ever worrying about stepping foot into a gym, picking up a weight, or making it to a class on time.

For 12 weeks, you’ll be given 3 unique 15 minute routines to follow right from home or wherever you like – each of which will have a custom layout following this format:

Prime Active Pump

The Priming Phase

Phase 1

The Priming Phase

The initial phase of each workout is called the Priming Phase which is designed to zap and wake up the glutes and to overcome the extremely common problem of “Sleepy Bum Syndrome”

You may have heard of how so many women these days are suffering from Sleepy Bum Syndrome – A very common condition of the glute muscles becoming largely dormant, inactive and unable to be engaged properly…

This is predominantly caused from sitting for long periods of time which dramatically decreases blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to the glutes which causes the hip flexors to become stiff…and ultimately prevents the glute muscles from firing properly…

Visually speaking, ‘Sleepy Bum Syndrome’ manifests itself in what’s commonly described as the “Pancake Butt” look.

Prime Active Pump

And unfortunately, typical warm-ups like 10 minutes on the treadmill, jumping jacks or jogging do next to nothing for Sleepy Bum Syndrome nor do they properly target or warm up all 3 individual muscles of the glutes or even the joints that are going to be working…So you can stop wasting time and energy on that stuff as these types of movements do not set us up for success.

During this crucial Phase we effectively PRIME all 3 major muscles of the butt including the Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, and the Gluteus Maximus using a specific sequence of movements to help trigger a strong mind-muscle connection while ensuring that all 3 glute muscles are fully warmed up and are prepared to fire optimally.

The Priming Phase of each workout is not only vital for overcoming Sleepy Bum Syndrome and to help prevent and even reverse “pancake butt”, but it’s also very important from a safety aspect because these specific movements are designed to nurture our joints and ligaments while optimally warming up all 3 parts of our glutes.

After we’ve completed the Priming phase, our booty muscles are ready to fully fire and work at their maximum capacity using our own body weight as the sole source of resistance…

We then progress to the the next phase of each workout which is where most of our time is spent as it makes up the meat of each workout.

The Activate Phase

Phase 2

The Activate Phase

Unfortunately, so many popular exercises and routines just flat out miss the mark completely when it comes to effectively activating all 3 muscles of the glutes properly.

Fully engaging, activating and working all 3 muscles of the butt without bulking the thighs can be tricky yet this is one of the most absolute critical pieces of the booty sculpting puzzle.

During the Activate Phase we implement challenging movements customized to fully activate and ignite each individual glute muscle in a very specific order.

Prime Active Pump

The secret to the effectiveness of the Activation phase comes from having each glute muscle individually engaged and forced to fire in a specific sequence until fully fatigued.

This strategic sequence of movements are utilized to help perfectly challenge, strengthen, tighten, lift and tone all 3 parts of the booty to the max.

And executing these movements in the correct order is what can deliver an unbelievable booty burn feeling that can be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before…

It’s an unmistakable, and to me a downright addictive feeling, that can only happen when each and every muscle fiber of the booty has been fully engaged and perfectly pushed to the max in just the right order…

When you feel the booty burn like this, you know the P.A.P method is working it’s magic to the fullest!!

Now, the final minutes of each workout are absolutely critical to set the stage perfectly for fat burning while creating the ultimate booty pump and that firmer, fuller, rounded look that can be seen almost instantly.

The Pump Phase

Phase 3

The Pump Phase

In this phase we utilize a series of unconventional moves designed to not only deliver a next level tushy tightening booty pump by engorging all 3 glute muscles with blood flow, but to also ignite a massive metabolic boost that can last up to 48 hours after our workout

I’m of course referring to the ever so powerful afterburn effect

Prime Active Pump

The short bursts of very specific movement patterns in the Pump Phase are designed to elicit the afterburn effect – which essentially helps our bodies burn much more stubborn fat on auto-pilot for many hours, and even days following one, single workout

How great is that!?

And visually speaking, I like to think of the pump phase as something like a top notch push up bra for the buns…These moves can be so visually effective that even if it’s not a workout day, I still throw them in right before a date night or day at the beach because of how perky they make my booty look, whether it’s in a pair of skinny jeans, my favourite little black dress, or maybe even less ;).

Honestly, I think you’re going to absolutely love the look and feeling you get after completing this phase, and I think you’ll be amazed when you see and feel the full P.A.P affect on your booty immediately following your very first workout.

It can be quite the experience…

When it comes down to it, the 3 step P.A.P. booty sculpting method really is designed to deliver maximal visual results
in the shortest amount of time possible.

Yoga Zoe

25 kid-friendly breakfasts, lunches, and dinners



Sharing 25 meals that my kids will eat, no matter what. It’s always hard to find kid-friendly recipes and home runs, so I’m sharing the goods in this post! 

Raise your hand if you’re SO sick of cooking right now. I’ve been in a cooking funk for pretty much all of ‘Rona (and yes, I’ve complained about it here on the blog quite a bit. I’m sorry for being a big ol’ whiner.). I think with everything else on the list (distance learning, trying to keep P from injuring herself, trying to shuffle in my own work and workouts amidst the madness), cooking just doesn’t feel like this fun leisure activity I used to enjoy so much. It just feels like a means to an end, and the end consists of me cleaning everything up before starting the process all over again. Thankfully, the girls are awesome eaters and are adventurous, so even when I have one of those clean-out-the-fridge nights to see what happens, they’ll try pretty much everything.

Please keep in mind that I’m not an RD, but here are some of the tips for feeding kiddos that I’ve found helpful:

– Always serve at least one thing you know they love. This way, if they’re not a fan of the meal, there’s something else on their plate that they enjoy. I always try to serve each meal with at least one fruit and one veggie so they’re getting in enough nutrients during the day.

– Encourage a polite bite. They don’t have to eat anything they don’t want to eat or try, but we encourage them to take at least one polite bite. Sometimes that means they end up loving it and finding a new fave!

– Respect kiddos’ intuitive eating. They’re really excellent at listening to their bodies; eating when they’re hungry and stopping when they’re full. We don’t tell them they have to eat “x” amount of bites or clean their plates. If they don’t eat much and I know they’re going to be hungry later, I just pop their dinner in the fridge to heat up if they’re begging me for a bar at 9pm.

– Switch up the greens rotation. It can get so easy to fall into the broccoli, green beans, and zucchini sides for a green vegetable but the girls get sick of them. I try to switch it up by picking up different things (like artichokes, Brussels sprouts, stir fries), making chopped salads with our entree, or the Caesar salad kit from Costco. The girls go crazy for it.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my go-to recipes that are home runs for the whole family. I feel like these are hard to find, so when you find a good recipe your kids love, you definitely want to keep coming back to it. I’d love to hear any of your kids’ favorite meals, too, if you wouldn’t mind sharing in the comments below. We can all share some ideas and inspiration with each other during a kind of blah cooking time.

Easy, healthy breakfast lunch and dinner recipes that kids love! fitnessista.com

25 kid-friendly breakfasts, lunches, and dinners Breakfast:

French toast with berries and sausage. The kids LOVE French toast. They could probably eat it for every meal and be totally happy. I crack two eggs into a bowl and add a splash of coconut milk creamer or almond milk, some vanilla, lots of cinnamon, and nutmeg. I dip each slice of Dave’s Killer Bread (or brioche if I’m feeling fancy) into the egg mixture and cook on the electric griddle. I add more cinnamon before flipping. The kids have gotten really used to having French toast or pancakes most days of the week since we’ve all been home, but for busy school mornings, I make extra servings over the weekend and freeze them to heat when we’re in a rush.

Chia pudding with banana and peanut butter. This is an awesome make-ahead breakfast. I just add a cup and a half of almond milk to a jar, along with 4 tablespoons of chia seeds, lots of cinnamon, and some maple syrup to sweeten. I stir and let it sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I put it into two bowls and top with sliced bananas, peanut butter, cinnamon, and honey.

Avocado toast with a scrambled egg. I make sourdough over the weekends and freeze it to enjoy during the week. In the morning, I pop the bread into the toaster and then top each slice with mashed avocado, sea salt, and lemon juice, and serve with a side of scrambled eggs.

Egg burritos. Another fave on-the-go breakfast. I just scramble 3 eggs on the stovetop and add a handful of shredded cheese to the eggs when they’re done cooking. I spread butter onto warm tortillas, top with eggs, and roll up. If we take them with us in the car, I wrap each burrito in a paper towel and then foil so it stays warm until we leave.

Pancakes (of course) with turkey bacon or scrambled eggs. This is our go-to pancake recipe! Like most things, I make a ton and freeze them.

Smoothies! The girls LOVE smoothies for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack. If I’m making them on the fly, I’ll add almond milk, frozen bananas, frozen fruit, spinach, chia, MCT oil, honey, and peanut butter. Otherwise, they really love the Daily Harvest smoothies (code FITNESSISTA gets you $25 off your first box!).


Bagel with cream cheese, sliced apples, and veggies with hummus.

Turkey sandwich with cheese on Dave’s Killer Bread with Primal Kitchen Ranch dressing and cheddar.

Omelette with cheddar and a side of leftover veggies from dinner the night before, and jelly toast

Pizza on an english muffin. Even better = Papa John’s pizza. Let’s be real here.

Grilled cheese with sliced apples, and veggies with ranch or hummus.

Tuna salad with Simple Mills crackers and sliced avocado. This is my go-to tuna salad recipe.

Nachos!! Chips, top with cheese, melt in the microwave. Add black beans, salsa, guacamole, and boom. Lunch is served.


Egg roll in a bowl

Sushi roll bowl. This is one of our family’s very favorite easy dinners! SO satisfying and quick.

Ina Garten’s lasagna. This one is a bit more labor-intensive but a huge hit. It really is the best lasagna.

Super cheesy chicken enchiladas (I serve these with beans and rice).

Chicken and broccoli casserole with a side salad. <— I mentioned above that the girls LOVE Caesar salads so I’ve been buying the salad kits at Costco. Bonus: it takes 5 minutes to put together.

Steak, roasted asparagus and baked potatoes. The Pilot makes awesome steak on the grill and we all go crazy for it. (I have red meat once every couple of months or so.)

Turkey meatloaf with sweet potato fries and a salad.

Turkey chili with cornbread. I top the chili with cheese, avocado, and lime juice.

Chicken tortilla soup with avocado, lime juice, and sour cream.

This chicken and veggie soup with a piece of sourdough.

Any type of stir fry. I recently got one from Trader Joe’s that had tons of veggies and chickpeas, and sautéed it on the stove with red onion, salt and pepper. I added shrimp to the mixture to cook, and poured some Primal Kitchen teriyaki sauce on top. Everything was served on top of rice (cooked in the Instant Pot). It was awesome!

Easy pasta dish. While Banza pasta boils, I’ll take chicken sausage and sauté it on the stove with garlic, spinach, and add sun-dried tomatoes. When it’s done, I’ll add Banza pasta, some butter, and parmesan. It’s SO easy (like 15 minutes!) and the girls go crazy for it.

Some of their favorite snacks:

Perfect Bars (or any bars really).

Jerky. They especially love these maple jerky sticks.

Any fruit. I try to switch it up each week! We always have bananas, berries, apples, and usually grapes on hand, but I try to get at least one or two different things each week, like cantaloupe, watermelon, pomegranate arils, persimmon, pears, peaches, whatever the market has that looks good.

Applesauce pouches. I get the giant box of organic pouches from Costco.

Hard-boiled eggs.

Energy balls. You can play around with flavor variations depending on what you have in the pantry.

The infamous snack plate. This is a beloved afternoon snack and is like a kids’ version of a charcuterie board. I’l just add a bunch of snacks to one large plate and they’ll share while they play outside or watch a show. It usually has chopped bars, sliced fruit, berries, cheese, jerky, pretzels, trail mix, pickles, whatever I have on hand.

So there ya go! Some of the girls’ very favorite meals. I’d love to hear your family favorites and take all the inspiration I can get! Please share your faves in the comments below. ðŸ™‚



The post 25 kid-friendly breakfasts, lunches, and dinners appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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Fitness influencer Heather Robertson on balance, blogs & breakfast

 You could say Heather Robertson knows a little about the fitness game. She’s an internationally recognized fitness influencer, model, and highly sought after health and wellness coach. Not to mention, she’s got her own website and blog in which she dishes tips for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as workout plans and programs. Her laid-back approach aims to switch your mindset to see exercise and healthy living in general, as a reward, not a burden or chore. For this reason, we’re thrilled to have her on board as a Sporteluxe contributor and feature in our fitness citizen profile.

Here, she gives us the scoop on everything from her morning ritual to her guilty pleasure and the best piece of advice she’s ever received.

Balance and consistency are key in achieving a level of health and fitness that is both sustainable and enjoyable – Heather Robertson.


Born: Calgary, AB Canada.
Lives: Vancouver, BC Canada.
Known for: Fitness cover model and online trainer.
Personal motto: Balance and consistency are key.
Success is: Acknowledging what scares you, challenges you, and makes you uncomfortable and then doing it anyway.
The advice I would give my 20 yr. old self: Don’t be afraid to just be yourself. Comparing yourself to others and trying to be like everyone else will only leave you lost in a crowd.
People are surprised that I: Went to school for architecture.
I’m inspired by: Humility and vulnerability.
The biggest risk I have taken (that has paid off) is: Quitting the 9-5 to run my own online business.
From my mistakes, I have learned: Never to make assumptions or take things personally – especially in business!

My most used emoji is The hair flip.

Wake up time: 8 am.
Morning ritual: Coffee, meditation, breakfast, workout, emails.
Desk lunch: A massive salad with tuna, avocado, seeds, sprouts, and any veggies I have on hand.
Last thing I do at night: Write out 3 tasks to complete the next day.
Guilty pleasure: Red wine and chocolate.
3 things vital to my day: Wifi, coffee & laughter.
Cafe: Cafe Medina in Vancouver – Lavender lattes and mini waffles to die for!
Juice: Freshly squeezed grapefruit.
Coffee: Americano.
Culture stop: Cadaqués, Spain – A little slice of heaven and the home of Salvador Dali.

Studio/gym: Function Health Club.

Sports top: Nike Pro Indy sports bra.
Sports shorts: Lululemon Run Times short.
Shoes: Nike Air Zoom.
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban aviators.
Watch: Fossil.
Store: Etsy.com

New-season must have: Well since it’s winter in B.C, Hunter boots and big heavy-knit sweaters! 

App: Headspace
Website: Shape.com, popsugar.com, and sporteluxe.com obviously!
Binge watch: Grey’s Anatomy
Instagram stalk: Kirsty Godso
Album love: Sia – This is Acting

Website: www.heatherrobertson.com
Instagram: @heatherrobertsoncom
Facebook: facebook.com/heatherrobertsoncom
Snap: FollowHeatherR